“At our deepest core, we are already whole and perfect.”
RET is an amazing method for letting go of trauma, negative beliefs, and self-sabotaging behavior. The technique involves a simulation of rapid eye movement that naturally occurs in our dream state, combined with neuro-linguistic re-patterning. This accesses the auditory, visual, and emotional senses, remembering and recreating memories, as well as guiding the left and right hemispheres of the brain to work together. As the technician, I simultaneously read from the RET manual while moving the eye-catching device in front of the client’s eyes in specific patterns, to access the neural pathway and trigger the client’s issues into focus. Once triggered, energy work is used to remove the energy of the emotions from the client’s body and energetic field, which makes room for the re-patterning of new beliefs.
You will then be guided to reprogram new beliefs based on what was cleared. There are a variety of methods within RET, such as core belief scrambling, rebirthing, and time-line regression (regress as yourself or even as someone else that has challenged you at some point in your life). This work is profound, as it occurs on the cellular level of our being.
At our deepest core, we are already whole and perfect. RET reveals our underlying wholeness. This process will help you to be more in touch with your true essence, so that living a more fulfilled, creative, peaceful, and loving life becomes the norm. You will feel more personal freedom, and that contributes to a higher vibration for the planet!
I was certified in Rapid Eye Technology in 1997, and have been providing these sessions in my wellness studio ever since. For more information, visit the Rapid Eye Institute website at: www.rapideyetechnology.com.
The session is 75–90 minutes.
Fee: $135