Earth School- we signed up for this?

We all know that life presents lessons to us and that the goal is to transcend the lesson so that we can move on. These lessons show up for the whole collectively, as well as for the individual. We’re usually okay with understanding how this works, as long as it doesn’t trigger our specific unresolved issues, or as long as the lesson isn’t too challenging. When it does feel challenging we slip into more of a righteous and/or a victim mode.

But nothing has changed- we are still being challenged so that we can get the lesson in order to evolve- regardless of how hard the lesson is. In fact, it will only magnify if we continue to put off accepting and working with the lesson. And that is what is going on now. Collectively, we haven’t addressed the brokenness of racism, and the imbalances of our health, ecologic, economic and political systems- we haven’t remembered our oneness and therefore the compassion that comes with embracing Oneness. We can only address this by working on ourselves and sharing what we’ve learned by educating or by living it as an example. Living it is quite powerful, because once an individual shifts into a higher frequency they affect everyone around them in a more positive way.

Fear is behind much of our discord, and the cause of our fear are the traumas and limiting beliefs that we are here to navigate. 

There is no judgement about the lessons we are being presented with. We all signed up for this journey and we can’t control where others are at. Our goal is to heal ourselves and to stay more detached, to be more of the observer of what is going on. This is not to say that we should be apathetic or non-action oriented. But it matters how we take action and how we feel when taking action, and where the inspiration for the action is coming from- the Higher Mind or the lower mind, or ego.

Reminder: this earth dimension is one of contrast and free will. We signed up to learn within the contrast, because that is how to best potentially drive the lessons home and evolve from them while here.

Stay in love- focus on self-love and the rest will follow.

I’m here if anyone needs Rapid Eye Technology or the Infinity Connection.

Debra Windsong

Debra Windsong